I am not really a patient person. However, I feel that mostly I am a very resilient person. I have to be resilient because having a physical disability means you have to be strong because some people will knock you back. This problem can happen when I try to get boyfriends, get a job and even have a social life. Most people without a disability take these things for granted.

Lots of people tell me that I am very resilient, however, there are times I do not think I am that resilient because I know what I want out of life and feel frustrated. There are people who will stand in my way and I have to work around this problem. Problems can be overcome with solutions. Solutions can be hard or easy to create. For example, getting a boyfriend is very hard work because you have to go on dates, and lots of dates to find ‘Mr Right’. Dating for a person with a physical disability is really difficult because I need a support worker with me on the date. Do you know how embarrassing it is having a third person on the date with us? The poor guy!

I have to be resilient in getting a job because some employers do not seem to be able to find a position that best meets my qualifications, disability and skill level. Obviously, the nature of Cerebral Palsy has created limitations for me. However, I do not define myself as having a disability, and with hard work and patience, I am hoping to secure a job that I can manage and that will be helpful to an employer. My disability is not a big problem. Really, it is not. I do not define myself as having a disability, but I feel that society does define me this way.IMG_0569

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